Wonder X The Edje

  • Working in collaboration with The Edje London, we were challenged to build a look and feel to help launch the new brand. They wanted video and photography content that could be used for internal marketing and online promotions.

  • We created a series of bespoke photos that were used on social and on the website, alongside this we created artistic short testimonial videos which had an editorial-leaning focus. These video assets were then A-B tested to see which would resonate with the target audience.

  • Creative - Kate Garcia

    Producer - Dan Marsden

    Director & Editor - Craig Bilham

    Director of Photography - Josh Williams

    Camera Assistant - Robyn Skead

    Photographer - Alex Rorison

    Photo Assistant - Caz Dyer

    Hair - Samantha Hillerby

    Hair assistant - Hannah Domney

    Make up - Liz Pugh

    Nails - Robbie Thomkins


Goose Island: Andrew Walton, Today's Haze