Ultraman UK x

Cycling 4 Soup

  • Ultraman UK is an ultra distance triathlon set over 3 days covering a gigantic 515km.

    In collaboration with Ultraman UK and Cycling 4 Soup we were tasked to make some content the brand could use to promote the race, for this year and next.

  • As a way to gain traction and build awareness of the race, we created a series of short form documentaries, portraying a range of this years competitors.

    We also created an hero video of the race itself, telling the story with an extremely personal touch.

  • Producer - Alvaro de la Camara

    Director, Camera and Editor - Craig Bilham

    Photography, Camera and Drone - Michael Drummond

    Camera - James Malone

    Assistant Editor - Mike Chaney

What makes Wales ultra?

“What makes Wales Ultra? Is it the outstanding natural beauty? Is it the vast rugged terrain? Is it something to do with a dragons? Not even close. It's simple! Once a year a hand full of crazy athletes compete in a race spanning 515 KM. This is Ultraman UK” - craig bilham

1 Min with Alvaro de la Camara

“I’ve got this theory that we belong to the water and every time I’m in the water I feel at one with nature”

- Alvaro de la Camara

1 Min with Penny Butterfield

“I think the ultras are all personal challenges for me, you learn about yourself, you appreciate how strong your body is… I get a lot of strength from running.”

- Penny Butterfield

1 Min with Neil Coggins

“I’m only competitive against myself, I will always try and better myself. I may not be the fastest, the skill-fullest or the most technical but I will keep going until the end. ”

- Neil Coggins


Running Summits


Goose Island: Andrew Walton, Today's Haze