BRUTal events


  • The ONER - Rab’s Ultra is an event like no other. An ultra distance marathon through the night and with a 24hour cut off time under half the participants made the distance in this years race.

    In collaboration with Brutal Events we were tasked to make some content the brand could use to promote the race, for this year and next.

  • We created an hero video of the race itself, showing the breath taking and rugged terrain these runner experienced in the long 24 hours.

    A cut down edit was created as a trailer to use on social media platforms.

  • Producer, Director, Camera and Editor - Craig Bilham

    Camera and Drone - Michael Drummond

Brutal events: The Oner 

“One of the toughest races I’ve done” 

-Dale Woolley (Racer)

The ONER - Rab’s Ultra is an event like no other. An ultra distance marathon through the night and with a 24hour cut off time under half the participants made the distance in this years race. 

We followed the whole duration of the event to make sure we captured the full beauty of the extreme, rugged and yet idyllic course.




Running Summits